Mar 6, 2017
The #RRTs are already bearing fruit in ways I never expected. A few ideas have bubbled to the surface requiring actions.
In today's episode I share the lessons I'm learning, some insights I've gathered (including my struggles) and two of the ideas bubbling to the surface.
I promised to share links to the past 'foundational' episodes I did on this passion project so here they are:
To connect with me, here's my LINKEDIN PROFILE Let's connect.
To join the #RRT mailing list and receive updates and our monthly newsletter which will start in March - click HERE
Find our current #RRT schedule through May on our Eventbrite page and sign up for one of the #RRTs..
I will post in LinkedIn this week to share more on these updates - look for it on my profile.
NEXT TIME: Lessons from working with leaders in transition. First up: how hubris gets you in trouble in the first days and weeks of a new leadership opportunity.
ON YOUR MARK...™ is ImpactBank's signature system for leaders in transition.
How can I help you on-board your senior leaders more successfully?
Whether it's about systems or leadership skills, my mission is to help senior leaders make their workplace more productive, inclusive and innovative.
My Passion Initiative: to eradicate violence against women and girls in Canada... find us on twitter: evawCAN In #Toronto? Be part of one of the #RRTs learn more HERE. Not in Toronto? I'd love to connect with you to discuss how you can help us spread the word with #RRTs in your community.